Inside this issue: Helpful tips, wisdom from our coaches, and resources for getting ready for the school year
ISSUE 1 | AUG. 2019

ISSUE 1 | AUG. 2019 |
Hello there! Welcome to the first issue of The Superkids Bulletin, a new e-mail newsletter for Superkids teachers. This issue is all about getting ready for the year ahead.
If you like what you see and want to get more of what inspires you in your inbox, please sign up to receive the newsletter.
About once a month, we’ll send curated teaching ideas, wisdom from the Superkids coaches, and fun resources for your classroom. What’s not to love?

A great way to start a SUPER year is to unpack and find a place for your Superkids teacher and student resources.
Many teachers suggest organizing your materials by unit before the year begins, including these members of our fabulous Facebook community:
Kelly Thomas: “I have a file folder for each unit. Makes it easy to grab. I put games, Super Dupers, memory words, spelling words, etc. in them. Everything is ready to go that way!”
Bridget Long Cannon: “I sort my units in a file box crate. A parent will come in at beginning of year and make all my copies. When I begin a unit, I just pull out the whole stack of papers.”
MissGabriela Gispert: “I put them in hanging file folders. Yay organization!”

As you begin the year, it’s important to keep in mind how many lessons you will be teaching and plan accordingly.
Before the school year begins, look at your school calendar and determine any holidays, teacher workdays, half-days, field trips, etc. that will impact your reading block. This will help ensure you are able to complete the program.
From coach Robyn Collins

Download three sizes of printable flash cards with Superkids signature ice cream lines. These are great for small group activities and pocket charts. The long strips can be used for desktop name strips or name labels for hallway art displays.
We'd love to share your tips, activities,
and inspiration with other Superkids teachers!