In this issue: Fun summer project ideas, organizational tips from teachers, professional learning opportunities, and a giveaway!
ISSUE 20 | MAY 2021
As this school year draws to a close, we are sure you are looking forward to a (very well-deserved) summer break. In this issue of The Superkids Bulletin, we explore tips for organizing Superkids materials, inspiration for potential summer projects, and information about summer training opportunities. Be sure to read to the end! We have included an exciting surprise to help you get prepared for a new batch of Superkids in the fall!
Summer is a time to reflect on the past year. What worked well? What are some procedures or routines that need to be modified? Are there changes that need to be made to the classroom space? Here are a few ideas, shared by Superkids teachers, that may inspire a summer project or two.
Managing independent work time while you work with small groups of students can be a challenge. An important management strategy is having a plan to ensure the children know where to go and what to do when working independently. Here are a few visuals, inspired by Superkids, to remind students of their tasks for the day.


We have noticed more teachers are moving away from the use of traditional word walls and are using sound walls instead. Are you looking to make this change? When asked about how they use sound walls with The Superkids Reading Program, teachers share they will add the Sound-Spelling Cards to their sound wall after a new phoneme is introduced. Then, as they teach the unit, words with the new spelling pattern will be added as well.
Many Superkids teachers create a fun space for small-group reading instruction and reinforcement activities. Perhaps creating a cozy corner is on your summer to-do list?


Are you a kindergarten teacher looking for a new bulletin board idea? Students love being surprised by the new characters they meet during first semester. Here’s a flashy way to reveal the identity of each new Superkid. This teacher uses a shiny, foil-lined trifold that dazzles when it’s opened to highlight the newest Superkid friend.
This teacher painted her cubbies to resemble the ice cream lines used to teach letter formation. How cute!


Check out this amazing activity table. Students use dry-erase markers or crayons to complete the activities. When the activity needs to be changed, the teacher simply places a new task under the plexiglass. So smart and such a time saver!
If you are feeling really ambitious, you can create a set of puppets inspired by the characters. If sewing is not your specialty, a set of stick puppets can be created by using pictures from old Student Books. Just laminate the cut-out characters and hot glue them to a large craft stick. Students can use the puppets as they retell stories about the characters.


We asked our Superkids Facebook community for advice about how to organize Superkids materials. As always, we received some terrific tips!
Sherri Lascola Gretka – “I sort all the student books and write each child’s name on the first couple so they are ready to go when needed.”
Betsy Sincora – “I sort the workbooks before school starts, which helps a ton. I keep the big letter cards all sorted in a bin, ready to go. I don’t typically make copies until I know I need them.”
Nina Seyer Foshe – “I laminated the letter cards and store in a plastic hanging shoe bag. It has like 22 pockets and has hooks to hang over a door.”
Cindy Carroll – “I keep the letter cards used for blending in a small plastic file box. It already has the letter dividers!”
Traci Brennan – “I made hard copies of blackline masters for SUPER and Book Club. I sort them by unit in a single page protector. When a new unit is coming around, I can copy a whole unit at once… paper clip them and I’m good to go for 4 weeks!”
Kelly Thomas – “I have a file folder for each unit. Makes it easy to grab. I put games, Super-Dupers, memory words, spelling words, etc. in them. Everything is ready to go that way!”
Lynsie Haley – “For first grade try to prep all the games (Activity Pages) that go with each unit before school starts! It will make everything so much easier! Print and laminate enough sets of each game for your entire class to play in small groups at the same time. They are a great time filler and fun for centers.”
Betsy Erin – “I printed and laminated 5 sets of each game on (colored) paper for easy organization!”
Back by popular demand! We are offering live implementation webinars throughout the summer. These webinars are perfect for new Superkids teachers and teachers who are changing grade levels. Be sure to share the link to register with any new teacher who will be joining your team next fall.
In addition, we have a webinar just for digital administrators! These webinars are designed for those who manage the Superkids accounts for their school or district. Digital administrators will learn all about the online resources available and how to assign and manage Superkids Teacher Portal accounts.
Check out the available webinar dates and register here!
In addition, we have a webinar just for digital administrators! These webinars are designed for those who manage the Superkids accounts for their school or district. Digital administrators will learn
all about the online resources available and how to assign and manage Superkids Teacher Portal accounts.
Check out the available webinar dates and register here!
Keep those growing brains working this summer with these awesome packets, which include Superkids practice pages, games, and reading activities! Each grade-level packet is appropriate for students exiting the grade indicated.
Grade K
Grade 1
Grade 2


Check out the rules for the Superkids
Super Supply Giveaway, and then enter
by May 21, 2021.
There is no better feeling than the first days of school. Sharp crayons, fresh glue bottles, and full shelves of new materials symbolize the potential of a new year. We want to help you stock those shelves! To end the year with a bang, we are giving away a prize package of ice cream lined materials to a lucky Superkids teacher. This prize will include these items:
- Two (2) reams of grade K–1 Ice Cream Paper
- Two (2) reams of grade 2 Ice Cream Paper
- One (1) ream of grade K Journal Paper
- One (1) ream of grade 1 Journal Paper
- Two (2) packs of 20 Student White Boards
- One (1) Chart Paper, vertical
Check out the rules for the Superkids Super Supply
Giveaway, and then enter by May 21, 2021.