ISSUE 53 | OCTOBER 2024 |
It’s hard to believe it is already October! We hope you and your students are settling into the routines and procedures of the school day. As you progress through the first months of school, community building is likely an important focus in your classroom. Research shows benefits in intentionally building a strong community of learners and adults. Students in schools and classrooms that work to cultivate a strong sense of community are more likely to be academically motivated (Solomon, Battistich, Watson, Schaps, & Lewis, 2000) and will be engaged in learning and more committed to school (Osterman, 2000).
This issue focuses on ways you can incorporate Superkids into growing your class, school, and personal communities.
We know teachers strive to create a classroom environment that makes children feel a sense of belonging, acceptance, and respect. Teachers know that a child needs to feel like their voice is heard. In addition, a classroom that celebrates achievements—big and small—is a healthy space for students to learn and grow. This Joyful Beginnings resource from Zaner-Bloser includes strategies and activities to promote and celebrate the social-emotional growth in your classroom community.
In addition, find Superkids resources below that can also assist with creating a space where students thrive.
Feelings Chart
Use this Superkids feelings chart to help your students share how they are feeling each day. Download the chart, directions for assembly, and ideas for how to use this resource in your classroom.
Feelings Chart
Inspirational Signs
This set of Superkids signs features inspirational messages like “Superkids Are Super Friends” and “Superkids Always Do Their Personal Best.”
Use them in the classroom to serve as gentle reminders to your students. Hang them around the school to remind the school community.
Inspirational Signs
Super Coupons
Celebrate achieving reading goals with these Superkids Super Coupons. There are nine different options for free student rewards, including a create-your-own coupon.
Super Coupons
Lasting Lessons
Lasting Lessons, found in the Teacher’s Guides, are discussions about important life skills related to the Superkids’ experiences in the stories. The lessons provide opportunities to discuss important topics such as problem solving, being patient, being cooperative, and so much more. These discussions can be a cornerstone in your community-building efforts.
Encouraging a sense of community outside of the classroom, by fostering connections between teachers and school staff, is important. Superkids schools have shared many ways they encourage interaction between classrooms and students. Here are just a few!
Dress-Up Day
Invite your K–2 Superkids students to dress as their favorite character for a day. Encourage school staff to dress up, too! Some schools invite older students who also learned to read with the Superkids to get nostalgic and participate—making it a schoolwide event! Here is a fun invitation you can send home to give families a heads-up about the special event.
Dress-Up Day Invitation
Put On a Play
Many teachers will organize a Superkids performance for other classrooms. The Glum Princess (Kindergarten, Unit 21), The Contest (First Grade, Unit 8), and We Need Trees (Second Grade, Unit 7) all offer the perfect opportunity to showcase your students’ talents while including your school community.
Reading Party
Celebrate your students’ reading achievement by asking community members, school staff members, parents, caregivers, and/or older students to visit your classroom for a Superkids reading party!
Who Will Win?
Each year we hear from many schools about their special Superkids election. Teachers ask K–2 students to vote for the character they identify with the most. At the end of the day, students can gather to learn who won!
Cross of Christ Lutheran School asked their second-grade students to campaign for their favorite character—and they even made posters!
You do not have to hold this election event in November. Schools can wait until kindergarten students have met all the characters!
Ask the Big Kids
Ask students from an older grade to assist with a fun activity. For example, host a Hot Rod’s Reading Race! Super readers can create a Hot Rod car to zoom around an open outdoor space or gym. Students from an older grade can hold sentences for the racers to read as they hustle-hustle-hurry around. What a fun way to connect classrooms and provide reading practice.
The educators who teach Superkids are truly AMAZING! One of the best attributes of this super group is they love to share the creative things they are doing in their classrooms.
There are many ways to connect and collaborate with the Superkids teaching community across the country. Check out these ideas to connect and collaborate with the Superkids teaching community across the country.
Read All About It!
This newsletter allows you to see what other teachers are doing and gives you a chance to share your amazing ideas! If you would like to showcase something you have done that is connected to the program, please email us a short description and photo!
Get Social
Another amazing way to connect is to join our Superkids Facebook community. We post so many amazing teacher-created activities, organizational tips, classroom décor, and so much more. Each year on Facebook, we host The Superkids Springtime Tournament, a fun activity that begins in March. This daily head-to-head competition matches characters in a scenario featuring a favorite sport of the Superkids. Teachers have their students predict which Superkid will come out on top and enter their pick in the comments. The winners are documented on a tournament bracket until there is one winner. Teachers report it is fun to connect and participate with Superkids classrooms from so many states!
Super Summer Conference
The ultimate way to connect is to participate in our yearly Superkids Schools Conference. Each June teachers gather for this virtual live event to share effective teaching practices and celebrate achievements. The day offers so many opportunities for teachers to interact. The next conference will take place June 25, 2025!