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Handwriting in Texas / La Escritura en Texas

In a digital age, it’s tempting to see handwriting as optional. But handwriting is still a key foundational skill for literacy development, especially fluency in cursive.

Texas parents, teachers, and administrators recognize the importance of cursive and manuscript—the new TEKS call for

  • manuscript instruction beginning in kindergarten
  • cursive instruction at grade 2
  • demonstrated writing proficiency in year-end assessments through grade 6
  • legibly written—NOT typed—test responses
  • writing test at grade 4
  • handwriting instruction in Spanish in Grades K–5

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The Gold Standard in Instruction

Zaner-Bloser Handwriting/Zaner-Bloser La escritura is the definitive method used by generations of American children. Our signature program features proven, time-tested techniques that don’t actually take a lot of time to implement.

Support from Kindergarten Through Grade 5    

Available in English and Spanish, the Zaner-Bloser approach teaches lifelong handwriting skills, from kindergarten through grade 5, in a comprehensive, skills-focused program.
  • Simple language and modeling with fewer, more specific letter formation descriptions make instruction accessible for all students vs. other handwriting programs.
  • Vertical manuscript resembles the printed words students see every day and promotes literacy development.
  • New elements are introduced in an appropriate developmental sequence.
  • Parallel instruction includes linguistically appropriate content for Spanish speakers.
  • Flexible instruction can be easily adapted to meet each individual student's learning style, language acquisition level, and motor development.
  • Scannable QR codes take users directly to online tutorials for whole-class, small-group, or at-home instruction.
  • Intelligent, efficient design requires just 15 minutes of teachers’ direct instruction per day, with opportunities to reinforce and practice skills across disciplines in class and at home.

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100% Correlation to the Handwriting TEKS

Zaner-Bloser Handwriting and Zaner-Bloser La escritura © 2020 meet 100% of the TEKS for English and Spanish handwriting. Click on the links below to download detailed correlations at each grade level.

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sample pages

Pedagogical Highlights

Complete chapters at each grade level (K–5/English and Spanish) are available for review at For your convenience, we've included excerpts from the English Teacher’s Edition here. Download individual pages to learn about

HW time saving download

A Brief Note About Time

New digital tools available on provide even more ideas and opportunities for reinforcing handwriting skills across the curriculum—while keeping an eye on the clock. Download a Handwriting Time-Saving Routines guide with tips for incorporating quick instruction throughout the day.

HW time saving download

sample pages

Visit to take a tour of the components and explore our digital handwriting hub!

Program Components

Although it takes about 15 minutes per day to implement in the classroom, Zaner-Bloser Handwriting and Zaner-Bloser La escritura are complete programs with a rich selection of components. You’ll find them easy to use and incorporate into instruction across the curriculum. Click on the classroom package component below to download a sample lesson spread from grade 2.



Contact your Texas Sales Team for information about sampling Zaner-Bloser Handwriting and Zaner-Bloser La escritura.