Learn About the Importance of Diversity and Representation in Children’s Books for Reading Development

Literacy, Equity & Representation in Texts for Children

Access to a full and meaningful education starts with the mastery of the most essential foundational skill—reading. Yet so many children aren’t proficient readers, and marginalized populations are even more likely to read below grade level.

In this on-demand webinar, author and educator JaNay Brown-Wood, PhD invites educators to explore the connections she makes as she discusses equity, literacy rates across the U.S., development of literacy skills, and the importance of diversity and representation in books and other texts for children.

She shares about her work as an author and advocate striving to help children find themselves on the pages of books and offers some considerations for adults who play an integral role in helping children become lifelong readers and writers.

About the Presenter

JaNay Brown-Wood, PhD is an award-winning and New York Times best-selling children’s author, poet, educator, and scholar who is committed to spreading the word about the importance of early literacy and authentic diversity in children’s books.