Banner for the Superkids Foundational Skills Kit featuring colorful illustrations.

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Focus on Foundational Reading Skills

The Superkids Foundational Skills Kit provides explicit instruction and student practice for 30–40-minute daily lessons focused on building these foundational reading skills: phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency. Based on the proven-effective Superkids pedagogy, this curriculum for grades K–2 can supplement any core reading program, complement a balanced literacy framework, or be used as a stand-alone resource to support students with gaps in these skills.

MOTIVATE and Engage Students

The Superkids are a lively cast of characters whose adventures and activities will keep your students motivated and engaged in learning foundational skills. Instruction cleverly connects the Superkids to concepts such as letters and sounds. Decoding practice includes captivating, episodic stories about these 14 loveable characters.

In kindergarten, students are introduced to the 14 Superkids characters a unit at a time. The Superkids begin as mnemonic devices to learn new letter-sounds. With unique personalities, special talents, and diverse interests, they quickly become good friends your student will keep throughout first and second grades.

+Cass portraitCass portrait +Oswald portraitOswald portrait +Golly portraitGolly portrait +Alf portraitAlf portrait +Doc portraitDoc portrait +Sal portraitSal portrait +Lily portraitLily portrait +Icky portraitIcky portrait +Tic portraitTic portrait +Tac portraitTac portrait +Toc portraitToc portrait +Frits portraitFrits portrait +Etta portraitEtta portrait +Hotrod portraitHotrod portrait

BUILD the Foundation for Successful Reading

The Superkids Foundational Skills Kit provides systematic, explicit instruction and practice students need to be successful readers and writers. Print concepts, phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, handwriting, spelling, word analysis, and vocabulary are taught using the Skills Books.

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The Superkids Phonemic Awareness curriculum complements this instruction. Learn More.

APPLY Skills in Cumulatively Decodable Text

Students build automaticity and fluency by reading cumulatively decodable, highly engaging Superkids stories in the Skills Books and Decodable Books. Story text closely matches the sequence of phonemic elements taught.

Explicit fluency instruction with decodable texts is the bridge between foundational skills and comprehension. As fluency builds, students’ understanding of text grows!

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Bring The Superkids Foundational Skills Kit to Your Classroom, School, or District

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