Patterns of Power Anchor and Mentor Text Resources
Bring Patterns of Power to your classroom with complete ready-to-use kits for grades 1–5 or with Teacher Resource Books for multigrade lessons. Add Student Notebooks or Anchor and Mentor Text Collections for deeper exploration with any Patterns of Power resource.
Patterns of Wonder Mentor Text Starter Bundles
Grades PreK–1

Curated to support the four phases of writing referenced in Patterns of Wonder, these convenient grade-level starter bundles include ten books from the two phases that most commonly align to students’ writing abilities in each grade, PreK–1.
Patterns of Power Mentor Text Collections
Grades 1–5

Of the more than 150 children’s books included in the best-selling Patterns of Power Teacher Resource Book, Jeff Anderson and Whitney La Rocca curated the list to a convenient top ten must-haves for each grade level.
Patterns of Power en español Mentor Text Collections
Grades 1–5

Of the more than 58 mentor texts listed in Patterns of Power en español, here are the top must-have books to enhance your bilingual grammar instruction. Organized into two convenient collections—for grades 1–2 and grades 3–5.
Patterns of Power Plus Anchor Text Collections
Grades 1–5

The sentences used in the Patterns of Power Plus lessons were derived from these anchor texts, allowing you to add further context to your grammar instruction by using them in other classroom reading.