Patterns of Power Teacher Program Resources
Bring Patterns of Power to your classroom with complete ready-to-use kits for grades 1–5 or with Teacher Resource Books for multigrade lessons. Add Student Notebooks or Anchor and Mentor Text Collections for deeper exploration with any Patterns of Power resource.
Patterns of Wonder: Inviting Emergent Writers to Play with the Conventions of Language
Grades PreK–1

Through a lens of playful inquiry and possibility, more than 50 lesson sets build cumulatively across the most common needs of emergent writers. Available in convenient 5-Packs.
Patterns of Power: Inviting Young Writers into the Conventions of Language
Grades 1–5

Instead of chanting grammar rules or completing worksheets, use more than 70 classroom-ready lessons sets to provide authentic study of grammar conventions in ten minutes per day. Available in convenient 5- or 10-Packs.
Patterns of Power en español: Inviting Bilingual Writers into the Conventions of Spanish
Grades 1–5

Using Spanish-language books to offer students a mirror in which they see themselves reflected, the lessons in this book cover key Spanish grammar topics with an inquiry-based, authentic approach to conventions. Available in convenient 5- or 10-Packs.
Patterns of Power: Inviting Adolescent Writers into the Conventions of Language
Grades 6–8

Focusing on effective writing, these 55 ready-to-use lesson sets lift middle school writers. Scaled to age-appropriate trade books, Patterns of Power for grades 6–8 continues the authentic study of grammar conventions in ten minutes per day. Available in convenient 5-Packs.
Patterns of Power: Teaching Grammar Through Reading and Writing
Grades 9–12

Supporting the specific needs of high school writers, these lesson sets foster appreciation for conventions. Scaled to age-appropriate trade books, Patterns of Power for grades 9–12 continues the authentic study of grammar conventions in ten minutes per day. Available in convenient 5-Packs.
Patterns of Revision
Grades 3–5

Discover the joy inherent in writing—and writing instruction—when you explore revision through engaging inquiry and the study of models. Build flexible, competent revisors through open-ended discussion of meaning-driven revision choices and their effects. Contact your sales consultant to purchase.